I originally thought this blogging thing would be a lot easier than its been! Finding the time between yard/house/work/etc has been a nightmare! But, here is something I started a while back, its not complete, and I'm sure to add to it from time to time, but post your comments and favorites below! Looking forward to seeing your responses!
While I’m working on a bigger blog post I thought I would post my favorite movies and TV shows of all time. I figure this will be a wonderful way for people to comment and post their favorites for each special occasion in their life. Feel free to comment/post your fav’s and possibly watch the movies that I love to watch if you haven’t had the chance to yet. Don’t forget to check out my video blog at youtube.com/actrain, more posts coming there as well!
Favorite Christmas Movie: Christmas Vacation! I cant go through the holiday season without seeing cousin Eddy draining the shitter into the gutter. Such a priceless comedy that just starts the holliday off right!
Favorite Halloween Movie: Hocus Pocus! How can one ever get enough of Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy as they terrorize the citizens in Salem Massachusetts? Its fun to watch Max Dennison (played by Omri Katz who now is a hair dresser in LA) who does not believe in the Sanderson sisters light the black flame candle which brings the sisters back from the grave! Bette’s performance of “I’ve put a spell on you” gets stuck in my head from about mid September until the first of December.
Favorite I need to cry move: The Cure! I’m not sure if there has ever been a movie that I’ve seen more people cry after watching than this one. Truly a heart felt story of a boy who will try anything to save his best and only friend from dieing of an incurable disease. Your heart just melts in this movie but you still end up leaving with a smile. Ask Shelby (Susan’s sister in law) she had tears shooting out the side of her eyes about 4 feet, but latter said she loved the movie! (Man that was a fun futon to watch movies on!)
Favorite all time movie: Empire Records-Reminds me so much of working at Video USA and then chillin at the Mckims!
Favorite Scary Movie: Scream! By far the hardest one for me to choose as I love scary movies! But what other movie can you remember that the biggest star (at the time) in the movie dies in the first scene? I never would have expected Drew Barrymore to be the first one killed off in any movie! Thus, it wins my choice for my favorite scary movie!
Coming of age movie: Calendar Girl!-Jason Priestly and the gangs wild ride to meet Marilyn Monroe. Moment not to miss is the Nude Beach part.... "Dude your legs made of wood, you'll float.
Favorite revenge movie: Romy and Michelle’s high school reunion. "What the hell is your problem Kristi?
Why are you always such a nasty bitch? You get some kind sort of sick pleasure out of torturing people. So Michelle and I did make up some kind of lame story. We only did it so you would treat us like human beings I dont care if you like us cause we dont like you, your a pad person with a ugly heart and we dont give a flying fuck what you think.
Favorite Action Movie: Pulp Fiction! So much crazy action and stylish dancing... gotta love it!
Favorite TV shows:
Supernatural - Love the Winchesters travels as they kill the evil things that lurk around that honestly you dont want to know about.
Dawsons Creek- Before Edward and Jacob it was Team Pacey vs Team Dawson.. well written and of course team Pacey won.
Smurfs-Smurfs had the best action figures,,, still got mine!! Such a great show about how a community should be run.
Wrestling-WWE 4life baby! WCW ECW TNA,,, sorry I gotta stick with the gold standard WWE.
Power Rangers-I have to admit I was late to high school and Tom Duncan's Reporting and News Writing class due to the evil Lord Dreds attempts to take out Angel Grove. My cars were called the Dragon Zord (black monte) White Tiger Zord (Berretta) White Falcon Zord (both monte 2 and Grand Am)
True Blood - it may be written about Sookie Stackhouse but honestly it needs to be focused more on Eric and Jason Stackhouse!!! That my friends will boost the ratings!!
Big Love- Love seeing Salt Lake Clips and things that are so secret get exposed on HBO! Just love it!!
United States of Tera- Ok, we all have a little Tera in us, just maybe not so much that they take over our bodily functions like they do. Haven't you ever been in the car singing to the latest Britney Spears song at the top of your lungs, or been cussing about an idiot at work with out them hearing you? If you have, your part Tera 2
Little Brittain-British comedy has it right in so many ways!! Just ask Bubbles!
Keeping up appearances-You cant help but love Hyacynth, and cring with her as her family Onslo and Rose come around the corner! Just chills I tell you chills!
Are you Being Served? Favorite with my mother to watch, we had bets on what color Mrs. Slochums hair would be for the night, usually after the drive in closed.
Anyway forum, leave your interesting comments and favorites BELOW