Wow how sad is it that a year has gone by and my only post was a year ago listing my resolutions for the year? This is one thing I plan to fix, as hopefully I will be having a much more exciting year! Not that this year was uneventful, it really had a lot going on, however the more I think back, it was quite an enjoying year! So, as I posted over a year ago I’ll start with looking at my previous resolutions.
My first resolution was to start toward a new career, this one I’ve done in two ways! I transitioned from financial aid to enrollment and I must say this was a GOOD move! I’m loving my new team and the work is much more beneficial than what I felt I was doing in Financial aid. I’ve also started to take advantage of the tuition discount at work and am happy to say I’m almost finished with my second term which puts me one step closer to getting my teaching license! The plan for now is to once I get my license to teach abroad for a couple years till Tom gets closer to graduation and then moving to a place where teaching salaries are much more livable! At the current time Massachusetts is at the top of the list.
Not going to lie, but the second goal of writing 2 pages a week on my stories I’ve been working on has not been successful. Of course I did good for the first couple weeks, but alas this significantly was a failure. I guess if you look at it in retrospect however, I did write more this year than I had in the previous years since moving to Utah! So, I may have fallen short on this goal, but it did improve from previous years!
I did actually get to travel to at least one new place this year, and this was all thanks to Tom’s military journey! I was able to travel with his parents and his sister Shannon to Alabama and Georgia. It wasn’t the most glorious of trips but it was something new, and it was an experience!
House upgrades? Well, with Grant moving into his own place Tom and I had an empty basement to which I wanted to take more advantage of and stretch out! I tore out the old worn out carpet and tiled the small bedroom as well as the large new master bedroom. Along with this I also got to design some cool paint schemes for the rooms and also redid our old bedroom. I must say I should be on Design Star as I think my rooms are quite original and fun!
Blog posts every month,,, yeah,,, I’ll just bow my head in shame on that one...
My family however did grow this year! Not in the way I would have really hoped but we did add an outside cat named Orphan, 3 chickens named Clarise, Sassette, Alice and Carol Brady, 3 ducks named Huey Duey and Luey and two bunnies Cher and Paris.
My fitness quest was up and down, quite the roller coaster ride, I’m not disappointed at where I ended off at the year, but not overly impressed with it either. I did find some good healthy recipe’s that I plan to make over and over again, and Tom is finishing up on my new clothes hanger which I may use from time to time! (its a treadmill)
New video blogs? I did manage to get a few video blogs out and you can see those at, that is if you have time. :)
As for 2013 I do plan to:
Continue on my new career path
Continue growing my writings
Travel to at least one new place
More house upgrades
Continue with a healthier lifestyle
Read more
Looking forward once again to another years journey with all my wonderful friends!